HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) is a premium quality fuel made from 100% renewable raw materials and is compatible, approved and safe to use as an alternative replacement fuel in all of MHM’s diesel engine driven Power & Lighting product and our Fuel Storage Range.
Find out how you can reduce your carbon emissions by 90% when using HVO fuel here.
All MHM product is designed in the UK and manufactured in our purposely built Tekno Proget factory based near Milan Italy.
Our 540,000 ft2/ 50,170m2 factory floor can supply large quantities of product very efficiently, very quickly and to the highest of standards, whether it be our standard production range of product, or a special custom bespoke request.
MHM are a national company established in 2010.
We supply;
All is available as New, Quality Used or Rehire and with a three depot network with our head office in South Wales and additional satellite depots in Scotland and the South East, we can deliver product you require when you need them with the minimum amount of time.
If you’re in the market for quality used equipment then look no further than MHM.
We keep an exhaustive, endless list of generators, fluid storage, lighting towers, engine driven welders and associated equipment ready to ship anywhere in the UK, Europe or Worldwide